My publications
Publications in International peer-reviewed journals: 14
Communicating author in 6
First author in 5
Second author in 3
* Indicates communicating author
# Indicates equal contribution
[1]Crystal to crystal transformation in soft ionic microgels: kinetics and the role of local mechanical susceptibilities
Saswati Ganguly*#, Söfi Nojd, Anand Yethiraj, Peter Schurtenberger, Priti S. Mohanty #
Physical Review Materials 7, L080401 (2023)
[2]Continuum mechanics of nonideal crystals: Microscopic approach based on projection-operator formalism
Florian Miserez, Saswati Ganguly*, Rudolf Haussmann and Matthias Fuchs
Physical Review E 106, 054125 (2022)
[3]Elasticity in crystals with high density of local defects: insights from ultra-soft colloids
Saswati Ganguly*, GP Shrivastav, S-C Lin, J Häring, R Haussmann, G Kahl, M Oettel and Matthias Fuchs
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156, 064501 (2022)
[4]On the existence of thermodynamically stable rigid solids
Parswa Nath#, Saswati Ganguly#, J Horbach, P Sollich, S Karmakar, Surajit Sengupta
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (19), E4322-E4329, (2018)
[5]The free energy of grain boundaries from atomistic computer simulation
Saswati Ganguly, Jürgen Horbach
Physical Review E 98, 031301(R) (2018)
[6]Plastic deformation of a permanently bonded network: stress relaxation by microscopic pleats
Saswati Ganguly*, D Das, J Horbach, P Sollich, S Karmakar, Surajit Sengupta
The Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 184503 (2018)
[7]Translationally invariant colloidal crystal templates
Pankaj Popli, Saswati Ganguly, Surajit Sengupta
Soft Matter 14 (1), 104, (2018)
[8]Contrasting the dynamics of elastic and non-elastic deformations across an experimental colloidal Martensitic transition
Saswati Ganguly*, Priti S Mohanty, Peter Schurtenberger, Surajit Sengupta, Anand Yethiraj
Soft Matter 13 (27), 4689, (2017)
Selected for cover art of Soft Matter (July 2017)
[9]Equilibrium and dynamic pleating of a crystalline bonded network
Saswati Ganguly, P Nath, Jürgen Horbach, P Sollich, S Karmakar, Surajit Sengupta
The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (12), 124501, (2017)
[10]Excess vibrational modes of a crystal in an external non-affine field
Saswati Ganguly, Surajit Sengupta
Journal of Chemical Sciences 129 (7), 891, (2017)
[11]Statistics of non-affine defect precursors: tailoring defect densities in colloidal crystals using external fields
Saswati Ganguly*, Surajit Sengupta, Peter Sollich
Soft Matter, 11 (22), 4517, (2015)
[12]Pre-Yield Non-Affine Fluctuations and A Hidden Critical Point in Strained Crystals
Tamoghna Das, Saswati Ganguly, Surajit Sengupta, Madan Rao
Scientific Reports 5, 10644, (2015)
[13]Non-affine fluctuations and the statistics of defect precursors in the planar honeycomb lattice
Amartya Mitra, Saswati Ganguly, Surajit Sengupta, Peter Sollich
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2015 (6), P06025, (2015)
[14]Nonaffine displacements in crystalline solids in the harmonic limit
Saswati Ganguly, Surajit Sengupta, Peter Sollich, Madan Rao
Physical Review E, 87 (4), 042801, (2013)
A figure from this paper got selected for PRE Kaleidoscope (April 2013)